S1E4 - Discovery
Get ready to say “aah”, this one’s a real scream. It’s time to discuss season 1 episode 4 of Dawson's Creek: Discovery, also known as Carnal Knowledge. Don't miss the boat!What hath become knownst in “Discovery”? The Creek Freaks’ brains collectively melt over Dawson’s proto-incel nice guy vibes, agree that Jen’s fashion is timelessly cool, dry heave from reminiscing on the Got Milk? campaign, cheer over the very-real growing vampire lore, and more!
Non-Dawson Recommendations:
James - King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard / Naked Giants
Stella - Westworld
Mal - Minx
Cody - Black Midi / Pinegrove
You can find us online @freaksandcreekspod on instagram or at our website, https://www.freaksandcreeks.com, and you can get in touch with us at [email protected].
Freaks & Creeks: a Dawson's Creek Podcast is produced by Stella Baldwin, Cody Dean, Mallory Freed, and James Ramey. Cover art by Mallory Freed. Mixed and edited by James Ramey. Original theme music written and recorded by Cody Dean and James Ramey.
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